Constitution & Bylaws

UBC Medical Alumni Association

A Division of the University of British Columbia Alumni Association (alumni UBC)

Constitution & Bylaws

Most recent amendments approved at the 26th of April, 2018, Annual General Meeting.

I. Objectives

The objectives of the UBC Medical Alumni Association (MAA) are to foster the relationship between the medical graduates of the Faculty of Medicine and the University of British Columbia and to foster their professional advancement.

  1. To support the Faculty of Medicine and its programs directly and through advocacy with the public and government.
  2. To ensure open communication among alumni and between the alumni and the Faculty of Medicine.
  3. To encourage and support medical students and residents and their activities.
  4. To organize and foster academic and social activities for the alumni.

II. Bylaws

  1. Membership
    1. Membership in the MAA shall consist of Members, Associate Members, and Honorary Members.
    2. Every member must uphold the constitution and comply with these bylaws.
  2. Members
    1. All graduates from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of British Columbia shall qualify for membership in the MAA.
    2. All physicians who are undertaking or have completed their postgraduate training at the University of British Columbia within the Faculty of Medicine (Residency) shall qualify for membership in the MAA, but must be an alumnus of UBC in order to hold the position of President.
    3. Members are in good standing and entitled to vote or stand for office, except a member who has failed to pay his or her current annual subscription.
  3. Associate Members
    1. Graduates and former students of the University of British Columbia who obtained their degree in medicine from other universities may apply for Associate Membership in the MAA.
    2. Faculty of the Faculty of Medicine who are not graduates of the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine may apply for Associate Membership in the MAA.
    3. Associate Members shall have all the rights and privileges of members, but must be an alumnus of UBC in order to hold the position of President.
  4. Honorary Members
    1. Honorary Alumnus Award Recipients shall qualify to subscribe for Honorary Membership in the MAA.
    2. Honorary members are required to pay the annual subscription.
    3. Honorary Members shall have all the rights and privileges of members, but must be an alumnus of UBC in order to hold the position of President.

III. Organization and Government

1. Board of Directors

The MAA shall establish a Board of Directors to act as its governing body for the purpose of carrying on the day-to-day operations of the MAA.  The Board of Directors shall consist of:

  1. President
  2. Past-President
  3. President Elect
  4. Vice-President Island Medical Program
  5. Vice-President Northern Medical Program
  6. Vice-President Southern Medical Program
  7. Vice-President Vancouver Medical Program
  8. Vice-President Fraser Medical Program
  9. Treasurer
  10. Members-At-Large One from each medical program (5) and two additional recommended by the Nominating Committee.
  11. Ex-Officio:
    1. Dean, Faculty of Medicine
    2. A nominee of the Faculty of Medicine
    3. President or designate of the Professional Association of Residents
    4. President of the Medical Undergraduate Society
    5. Newsletter Editor if not already a Board Member, must be a member in good standing
    6. Advisors not to exceed four and appointed by The Board.
  12. Ex-Officio Non-voting:
    1. Distributed Site Vice-Presidents of the Medical Undergraduate Society

2. Powers and Responsibilities of the Board

a. Directors

  1. The President shall
    • be responsible for the overall operation of the MAA;
    • act as Chairperson of all the meetings of the Board and of the General Meetings of the MAA, and
    • represent the MAA in the Alumni Association of the University of British Columbia;
  2. The Past-President shall be Chair of the Nominating Committee and usually the Awards Committee.
  3. The President Elect shall, in the absence or the inability of the President to act, assume the duties of the President.
  4. Vice-Presidents shall encourage membership and activities by alumni, students, residents and faculty in their regions, and report to The Board
  5. The Treasurer, with suitable staff support, shall
    • have oversight of the records of the finances of the MAA;
    • issue the Annual Financial Report and such other financial statements as may be required from time to time.
  6. The Members-at-Large shall have such responsibilities as may from time to time be delegated to them by the President, Vice-Presidents or by the Board.

b. The Board

It should be the duty of The Board to:

  1. exercise all powers of the MAA and perform all duties required by the MAA in general meetings.
  2. have the power to appoint Committee Chairs and Committees as may be deemed necessary to perform the work of the MAA.
  3. prepare and approve an annual budget to meet the objectives of the MAA
  4. prepare and implement a program of activities.
  5. communicate regularly with the Medical Alumni of UBC and Members of the MAA by means of newsletters and other media.
  6. organize an Annual Meeting and such other gatherings, reunions or special events as may be deemed of interest to the membership.
  7. solicit funds at such times and in such a manner as it may be deemed advisable.
  8. may present the following awards at the Annual General Meeting:
    • Wallace Wilson Leadership Award,
    • Honorary Alumnus/a,
    • Silver Anniversary Achievement Award,
    • and such other awards as may from time to time be considered.

c. Nominations, Elections and Period of Office

  1. Period of Office. The President, the President Elect, Vice-Presidents, Secretary-Treasurer and the Members-at-Large, being the elected officers, shall serve for a period of two years. No person shall be elected for more than four consecutive terms other than someone undertaking the path of President-Elect, President, and then Past President, who has already spent more than one term serving on the Board.
  2. Nominations. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Past-President and two other Members of the Board elected by the Board.
  3. Call for Nominations. Nominating Committee Chair shall cause to be published in the spring newsletter of the Association, or any other communication approved by the Board, at least fourteen days prior the Annual General Meeting, a call for nominations for available positions on the Board of Directors and notice of the date of the election.
  4. Nomination Submission. Nominations may be sent to the Nominating Committee Chair before the Annual General Meeting or presented in person at such meeting
  5. Elections. At any Annual General Meeting at which officers are to be elected, and when there is more than one candidate for an office, such an election shall be by secret ballot of those members who are present or attending via audio and/or visual communication and entitled to vote.

d. Vacancies on the Board

The Board shall have the power to fill vacancies on the Board for the term of office remaining.

e. Meetings of the MAA

  1. Meetings of the Board
    • Frequency of meetings. The Board shall meet at least twice a year at the call of the President or at the written request of any three members of the Board.  Reasonable notice of such meetings shall be given to all members of the Board.
    • Quorum. At any meeting of the Board, a quorum shall consist of any five (5) of the members attending in person or via audio and/or visual communication, providing that either the President or President Elect is among the five.
  2. Annual General Meeting. There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association at the time and place to be decided by the Board.
  3. Extraordinary General Meetings of the MAA shall be called by the President at the request of a majority of the elected members of the Board or upon the written request of at least fifteen (15) MAA members in good standing.
  4. Notice of General Meetings shall be given in writing or by some public advertisement at least fourteen days in advance of such meeting.
  5. Quorum. At any General Meetings a quorum shall consist of at least fifteen (15) MAA members in good standing, attending in person or via audio and/or visual communication.
  6. Procedure. All meetings of the MAA, its Boards or Committees shall be governed by the parliamentary rules and usage contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief (RONRIB), latest edition.

f. Finances

  1. The Directors may levy from the members of the MAA an annual subscription fee to conduct the business of the Association.
  2. Signing Officers
    • The signing officers of the MAA shall be the President or the President-Elect, the Secretary-Treasurer and one other person designated by The Board.
    • The signatures of at least two (2) signing officers shall be required for the execution of any legal documents or the disbursement of any funds on behalf of the MAA.
    • The appointment of signing officers shall be renewed during the first board meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
  3. The fiscal year of the MAA shall commence on the first day of January each year.
  4. The MAA shall not be in a deficit position at fiscal year’s end.

g. Amendments

The Constitution and By-Laws of the MAA shall only be amended by a resolution of which fourteen days notice has been given, and passed by a two-thirds majority of the members in good standing attending, in person or via audio and/or visual communication, the General Meeting of the MAA.

h. Committees

The Board of Directors shall be responsible for appointing representatives to committees.

  1. Faculty of Medicine
    • Admissions Policy Committee
    • Admissions Selection Committee
    • These usually will be three-year appointments.
  2. alumni UBC
    • When requested, two representatives shall be appointed to the board of alumni UBC, one of whom usually will be the President of the UBC Medical Alumni Association.
  3. Other Committee(s) as deemed appropriate.