UBC Medical Alumni Advisory Council

The UBC Medical Alumni Advisory Council is a body composed of UBC medical alumni volunteer leaders who create and foster opportunities for UBC medical alumni to engage with the UBC Faculty of Medicine, UBC, and medical alumni community.

Appointed Members

Dr. Jan Christilaw MHSc’03, MAA Hon’16 Chair
Dr. Cheryl Holmes MD’84 Interior Region Representative
Dr. Sarah Courtice MD’14 Vancouver Region Representative
Dr. Lisa Sennewald BSc’90, MD’94 Fraser Region Representative
Dr. John Edworthy MD’77 Alumni-at-Large

Ex officio

Dr. Peter Choi BSc’89, MD’93 Dean’s Representative
Eric Chow BA’13 UBC Faculty of Medicine Alumni Engagement Representative
Dr. Harry Anzinger MD’20 Residents Representative
Harjot Uppal BSc’23 Medical Students Representative
Nick Marshall Island Medical Program Site Lead, UBC Medical Undergraduate Society
Leanne Varney Northern Medical Program Site Lead, UBC Medical Undergraduate Society
Quinn Krahn BSc’20 Southern Medical Program Site Lead, UBC Medical Undergraduate Society