MSAC Summer Ambassador Job Opportunity

Come join the MSAC Team!

We are currently looking for a 1st year medical student who would like to work at MSAC over the summer as an MSAC Ambassador and hopefully stay on for the school year! The start date would be May 1, 2023.

As you haven’t had the opportunity to use MSAC due to construction, I’d like to give you some information on what MSAC usually has going on. MSAC has a gym, locker room, a full kitchen, a bar/lounge area, two event spaces, meeting rooms and a studio. During the school year the MUS Clubs book spaces at MSAC on Monday through Thursday evenings. We also have rental events to generate revenue for maintenance and these can range from workshops and team meetings, to Christmas parties, Bar Mitvah’s, Indigenous ceremonies and weddings!

The ideal candidate has excellent customer service skills, is a quick learner and has some familiarity with Audio-Visual equipment.

The job description has a lot more detail, but some of the perks of this job include a great team, getting to interact with med students, residents, alumni and rental clients, and doing a variety of different projects.

During the summer we hire one student Ambassador, but during the school year we have four, so if you are interested in this opportunity but can’t work this summer, look for our fall job posting over the summer. This position would start in early May.

If you’d like to apply for the summer position, please send a Cover Letter and Resume to me at

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