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Pat Camp BSc (Phys Ther)’94, MSc’98, PhD’08

Pat Camp BSc (Phys Ther)’94, MSc’98, PhD’08

Dr. Pat Camp, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, has been awarded a UBC Killam Research Fellowship award. Dr. Camp’s research focuses on the diagnosis and management of individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Winners of these awards were selected by UBC’s Faculty Research Award Committee, which spans arts and humanities, business, education, applied science, science and medicine.

Gurdev Gill MD’57, DSc’96

Gurdev Gill MD’57, DSc’96

In 1957, Dr. Gurdev Gill became the first Indo-Canadian to graduate in medicine from UBC and subsequently the first to practice medicine in Canada. He is a Order of BC recipient, alumni UBC Alumni Achievement Award recipient and in 2018 receives the UBC Medical Alumni Association Wallace Wilson Leadership Award.